15 agi gloves. Allows Power Gloves. 15 agi gloves

 Allows Power Gloves15 agi gloves Atrophy Gloves +2 DEF:94 HP+33 MP+21 STR+16 DEX+38 VIT+30 AGI+10 INT+24 MND+38 CHR+24 Accuracy+43 Attack+20 Evasion+32 Magic Evasion+47 "Magic Def

Notes about needed materials, how to obtain them, and effects can be viewed if you click to expand the list. Guides. Sell Price: 8 61. Harder to get but it worth that. :) Comment by. if so do we go for the traditional agility >mastery > haste > crit ? And what trinkets would u go for if you've got access to 3 of the main trinkets . MAGIC ITEM NO DROP Slot: HANDS AC: 5 INT: +10 AGI: +10 HP: +30 MANA: +45 SV FIRE: +3 SV DISEASE: +3 SV COLD: +3 SV MAGIC: +3 SV POISON: +3. Added in Classic World of Warcraft. 0% Thief. You can have this on a level 1 if you wanted. Same with Hit rating. I also have two crappy +8 str +8 sta rings that would like to soon replace with bands of the ogre king. ago. Requires Enchanting. Boar’s Speed Boar’s speed can only be done to Nat Pagle’s Extreme Anglin’ Boots for lvl 19 twinks. Commentaire de Punie Becomes available in Classic. Requires Tool: Runed Arcanite Rod. 2: Formula: Enchant Gloves - Superior Agility: This enchanting recipe is now available from the Keepers of Time Quartermaster. Again, pretty sick. 290 . If 35 agi on 2h beats 70 AP on 2h, what do you think about 15 agi and 24 AP on gloves? Still best gloves enchant, at least for my hunter. Permanently enchant gloves to grant +5 Agility. Range . A Dark Lord's power is formidable, his spells can score a high amount of damage, and has the ability to control pets. Reagents. 15 agi will probably give more threat at low gear levels, but as your TPS improves, through gear, gems, enchants or just smarter playing, 2% threat will leave it in the dust. Hunter Best in Slot Guide Fury Best in Slot Guide Feral Druid DPS PvP BiS Feral Druid Tank PvP BiS Paladin DPS. In the beginning I was asking mats and 20g and people were giving me more than that as a tip. Martial Exertion Gloves. Pair it w/ Thornspike and ur golden! Best of all, both weapons are practically free, minus the costs for runs. Item Level 70. Atrophy Gloves +3 DEF:104 HP+43 MP+31 STR+21 DEX+43 VIT+35 AGI+15 INT+29 MND+43 CHR+29 Accuracy+53 Attack+30 Evasion+42 Magic. Kyorene® Pro Graphene gloves balance the acidity of body sweat, thus neutralizing odor associated with sweat. Ergodyne ProFlex 7071 PU Coated Cut Resistant A7 Work Gloves. Post by 96105 This isn't exactly made for warlocks and the twin emps fight. Glast Heim Enchant – Specialized in base stat percentage boosts and PVP related stats. enchant cloak greater agility - +12 agi chest enchant exceptional stats; boots enchant cat's swiftness - +6 agi and minor speed enchant dexterity - +12 agi gloves enchant superior agility - +15 agi enchant assault - 26 ap weapon enchant weapon agility - +15 agi; enchant weapon potency - +20 str; chest, legs, hands, feet Heroic Tanking Target:Gloves: Of the fang/monkey +15 agi (if it stays) Belt: Of the fang/ Deviate scale belt Pants: Leggings of the fang +32 armor/NOTHING??. AND 5% is pretty nice if you are an Melee class!. Contribute. 30g + the other things is a bit. Thankfully, a massive upgrade to this Enchant comes with Ahn'Qiraj, in Phase 5. These are great to last you on up the leveling ladder into the 50s at least. 07% dodge, and 15 attack power per enchant. However, as most want to put 15 agi on them, that's still a 300 enchant and does not require lvl 35 or higher items, thus making these the best available gloves for the 20-29 bracket. Comment by Thottbot- Agi + 7 - Vit + 7 - Int + 7 - Dex + 7 - Luk + 7 - SpecialStr - SpecialAgi - SpecialVit - SpecialInt - SpecialDex - SpecialLuk - Skill Delay -15% - Ignore Def50% - Ignore Mdef50% - Player resistance 3 . Agility on gloves goes from 15 to 20 (this enchant). This is the boringest slot I think. You go 2/3 start/scholo/brs and get the lbshards. . Permanently enchant gloves to increase threat from all attacks and spells by 2%. The 15 agility of these gloves will last your character dozens of levels, and once you do find upgrades if you want to level another character just send these to them because they aren't bound to you! Links WeakAuras Export. As a baseline, both ourselves and the Guardian can only apply 1 curse, and each time we apply a curse it will overwrite the one that our Animate. Actually, your calculations are wrong. Bandit. Permanently enchant gloves to grant a +1% attack speed bonus. 0, +15 agi is better for warrior and druid tanks. ago. TBC enchants require a level 35 or higher item to enchant - for example Enchant Gloves - Assault. 65 speed, caster gone and never released a timed spell! I don't think this is an expensive enchant. Enchanting Level Required: 300 Requires: [Runed Arcanite Rod] [Formula: Enchant Gloves - Superior Agility] drops from various bosses in Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj and Temple of Ahn'Qiraj in Silithus. Agi - 15 Stam - 14 Str - 9 Spt - 7 *Int - 10 <-- 5 piece set bonus Also items equipped. +15% threat from mangle in bear form is FANTASTIC. Atrophy Gloves +3 DEF:104 HP+43 MP+31 STR+21 DEX+43 VIT+35 AGI+15 INT+29 MND+43 CHR+29 Accuracy+53 Attack+30 Evasion+42 Magic Evasion+57 "Magic Def. 6%. Any bear tank with the 2. The buffs will give you 200 melee AP, 15% Stamina, and 3% spell crit chance, respectively. Just everything in Wrath of the Lich King game version. Scouting Gloves of the Monkey are the best 19 twink rogue/hunter gloves in the game, having 1 more agi/stam than the Deviate Scale Gloves. Lights, Mar 18, 2015. Scroll of Enchant Gloves - Superior Agility. Requires Reagent: Greater Planar Essence (3) Small Prismatic Shard (3) Primal Air (2) Permanently enchant gloves to increase Agility by 15. Accessories and Gems 5. So these will increase your damage if your gloves give less than +7 STR or +5 STR and +4 AGI (the +dodge and +crit for that change is effectively negligible). Contribute. Comment by Allakhazam Bought for 25 gold and with +7 agi chant on em, Suits my toon nicely, think i got. Always up to date. Reagents: Lesser Nether Essence, Vision Dust: Permanently enchant gloves to grant +5 Agility. 15 agi is much better. 5% dodge. 15 Agi blows it out of the water, so no point considering it after that. Final Crit Rate +2. Luck +10 Purchased from Merchant Princess at the Tavern. This includes technologies to safely monitor and automate in-bin grain quality by smart device and real-time data collection of in-field agronomic and machine practices. Enchanting level. If the user's base Agi is 110 or higher, Perfect Dodge + 1. These may give you somewhere around 2-3% extra crit, but the Monkey gloves give you 8 stam, which is really nice for PvP, and I can always get a +15 agi enchant on it. +3 agi Gloves-Razzeric Racing Grips +9 stam (+15 agility) +8 agility Belt-Highlander's Mail Girdle (arathi basin belt) +12 str +5 stamHey there! Some of you may know me already since I recently sold a dual warglaive rogue succesfull. When Crusader procs it rewards 100. Thermoarcanic Gloves. Once you have answered the background questions, you will see the character creation screen. and I still need to get my strength enchants on boots and gloves. Below 75 agility causes a large AC hit. You will find that people will tip you. But it. PVP SERVER I have a Female Blood Elf priest 4/5 (satin)vengeful Missing Pants over 20 Hyjal/BT PVE EPICS 3x 20 SLOT BAGS, Black Temple healing gear, New badge loot 247 sp dmg weapon, 2x epic flyer 375 Enchanting(void shattter, 15 agi gloves, 40sp dmg weapon, major healing gloves, 20 sp dmg. Tanks have spells also; their shouts. Always up to date. Agility on gloves goes from 15 to 20 (this enchant). Right now at level 19 Fiery > all for rogue twinks. They can use the TBC enchants for AP or the older +15 Agil enchant. Quote Reply # Feb 23 2017 at 7:33 AM Rating:. Nexus? Who cares the prices? A guild farming BWL gets cca. Tetox OG. Hell yeah! 5. Bhaalist Gloves. +15 Strength = 30 Attack power + 0. (5) $4. Doesn't have a level requirement for +15 agility enchant. These 3 seem to stack to give a total of +3% attack speed increase. Smites Mighty Hammer lasted quite a few levels, throwing +15 agi in it would be nice. Enchant Gloves - Greater Agility Reagents. enchant cloak greater agility - +12 agi chest enchant exceptional stats; boots enchant cat's swiftness - +6 agi and minor speed enchant dexterity - +12 agi gloves enchant superior agility - +15 agi enchant assault - 26 ap weapon enchant weapon agility - +15 agi; enchant weapon potency - +20 str; chest, legs, hands, feet Heroic Tanking Target:/ Winkie / Hakkar - (Still got Deviate scale, all mats fdor +15 and no luck withh my +4 stam and agi :/) EDIT! Got a cheap bid on Bristlebark, might as well be them - Untill I get other ones, anyway. However, as most want to put 15 agi on them, that's still a 300 enchant and does not require lvl 35 or higher items, thus making these the best available gloves for the 20-29 bracket. Righteous Gloves. 6 Crit. However, any source of Crit will likely outshine even that amount of attack power. Cannot be used while shapeshifted. Is there a specific reason why you don’t just run with 15+ agi on both your MH and OH? Crusader is proccing so rarely for me. Reagents: Small Prismatic Shard (3), Greater Planar Essence (3), Primal Air (2) Permanently. With haste effects, this scales to around 11 Dps. 672 views 2 years ago. After killing AHR about 8-10 times over the last 2 months (couple bonus spawns with patches) these finally dropped. ATK +1 for every 10 base str, ATK +1% if you have 110+ base str. Kerg-bloodsail-buccaneers January 8, 2021, 4:57pm 5. Requires Tool: Runed Arcanite Rod. WOTLK Talent Calculator. 33% ahead on threat, at the cost of taking 1. You can put +15 agility on these gloves, or any gloves for that matter. spell_holy_greaterheal . . 02%) + 15 agi (gloves) Ok, now we got agi hit and stam on both items, so we can subtract from eachother and end up with : step 1) we end up with 3 stam and 0. Added in World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade. Comment by Thottbot This is a perfect enchant to Gloves of the Fang for a lvl 10-19 battleground bracket. Hunting Gloves - 6 AR - 2 AGI, 1 ST ilevel 15 Embossed Leather Gloves - 6 AR - 2 AGI (crafted) ilevel 13 Fine Leather Gloves - 6 AR - 3 ST (crafted) ilevel 15 Enchant with Glove Reinforcements for survivability or Major Agility. run to the middle part (behind the cage when u first go in) make one there and run up to the top. Since almost no tank is experiencing threat issues, this might be a better enchant for tanking at this time. You can put +15 agility on these gloves, or any gloves for that matter. +3 agi Gloves-Razzeric Racing Grips +9 stam (+15 agility) +8 agility Belt-Highlander's Mail Girdle (arathi basin belt) +12 str +5 stamOriginally that was the case but in 2. Scroll of Enchant Gloves - Superior Agility. How to get one of those agi/vit/int etc. 5 Piece. 38 reviews Available for Pickup, Delivery or 1-day shipping Pickup Delivery 1-day. Also, minor speed on cloth lvl 1 boots so all your alts can use it. Doesn't have a level requirement for +15 agility enchant. Doesn't have a level requirement for +15 agility enchant. . stickin' 15 agi on them for my 39 rogue twink. 0, +15 agi is better for warrior and druid tanks. Enchanting. In the Uncategorized Spells category. (Lvl 18) Small things like keeping up +100 health to chest, and plus armour kits help as you level. 6 3. of . approximately it would cost 120g to get, depending on server prices. Both are Bind on Equip – get from auction. The Butcher- The Butcher - Item - World of Warcraft a very good sword now its one-handed, get +15 agi/crusader on this Zealot Blade- Zealot Blade - Item - World of Warcraft my alltime favorite, its deal sick damage allthough the stats are abit lacking. Yeah, classic content is dead in the water. However, as most want to put 15 agi on them, that's still a 300 enchant and does not require lvl 35 or higher items, thus making these the best available gloves for the 20-29 bracket. The Dark Lord is a fabled class and the newest character to arrive on MU. 0, these were amazing aggro grabbing abilities. Enchant Gloves - Superior Agility 5 sec cast. 6) = 7,7. A healer in a lvl 29 BG would not want to put the +10 haste enchant on these gloves because like all stats, they scale with levels. +15 Strength = 30 Attack power + 0. Added in Classic World of Warcraft. ReagentsGet a 15 agi or Mongoose or someting on it and ur good. Comment by Allakhazam Actually, based on this I opted for this lantern instead of the 17. 3). No problem. so, i stumbled upon a question today, while attempting to make a warrior FC. And get 7 agi on the gloves from a enchanter. 5 AGI for an additional 1% dodge chance. Use: Teaches you how to permanently enchant gloves to increase Agility by 15. Good examples; +12 agi, Cat's Swiftness, Boar's Speed (my fav). In the Profession Spells category. Rogues only require 14. Whenever the Darkmoon Faire is active, you can get a 10% damage buff, a 10% stat buff to a specific stat, or +25 to all resistances by answering some questions from the fortune teller Sayge in the faire. The only time you want +15 Exp is when you have low Exp. Tools: Runed Arcanite Rod. And im gonna get the Master Hunter's Rifle With some nasty dps but if im gonna make damage with gun ill gotta use agi ? :b but still im gonna use strengt for damage. Enchant Item: +15 Agility (2564) PVP Multiplier: 1. This means at Level 60, a Rogue that gains 29 Agility will gain from that 29 Attack Power, 1% Crit Chance, and 2% Dodge. This item is not available to players. Spell Tools & Reagents . Doesn't have a level requirement for +15 agility enchant. If you are not a high-end player, than don't put 15 agility to blue gloves. However, as most want to put 15 agi on them, that's still a 300 enchant and does not require lvl 35 or higher items, thus making these the best available gloves for the 20-29 bracket. In the Profession Spells category. Gloves: 15 agility. Threat comes out 1. 325 . Dark Lords also receive 7 stat points per level, and have the ability to swim faster/run. Mountain bike gloves. Permanently enchant gloves to grant +7 Agility. For a druid in Cat form, which has 1,0 attack speed, this means 1 dps added, equaling 14strength/AGI. 320 . Enchant Gloves - Superior Agility. 2 Orange Ripper 15 51 29 9. Binds when picked up. A complete searchable and filterable list of all Gear in The Alchemist Code. the mats for +15 agitoo wep r Large Brillant Shard x6, Greater Enternal Essence x6, Illusion Dust x4, and Essence of Air x2, its all pretty exspensive on my server but well worth it for a 19 twink, or anything for that matter, unles u get 35 agi lol than thats a whole other story. Added in World of Warcraft: Cataclysm. Despite being cheaper to get, 15 agi is still superior for druids in my opinion as it adds slightly over 1% dodge, a bit of crit (which both increases threat and the chance for bonus rage off a crit), as well as a. Always up to date with the latest patch. 75% increase crit chance is the only thing that comes close. 5 sec cast. You do not want 2% threat/+10 parry, you might need to go to BC for a better threat enchantment. And for Shadow Priests and thinking to get this because of 2% less threat?? Enchant Gloves - Superior Agility. Cloak - Greater Resistance, Gloves - Greater Agility, Shield - Superior Spirit, Chest - Major Mana, Boots - Greater Agility and Gloves - Greater Strength are now trainable from Annora, master enchanter. Permanently enchant gloves to increase agility by 15. 5 AGI for an additional 1% dodge chance. Wrist: Wrangler’s Wristbands of the Monkey (3 AGI, 3 STA) or Forest Leather Bracers (5 AGI) – auction. Permanently enchant gloves to increase agility by 15. Fiery Weapon adds sometimes 40 fire damage. (where +agi or +str enchants would probably be more useful). 1 2. Wouldn’t 8 agi on head and legs be preferred over 100 hp since it gives you crit, dodge, ap etc…, if not, is there a good reason?. There are 3 available enchants/librams to get +1% attack speed increase for gloves, helm and legs. Nice pair of gloves both for dps / tank. Permanently enchant a melee weapon to grant +15 Agility. 2017-01-23 12:15 unidentifiedResourceName: ±Û·¯ºê 글러브 2016-12-23 08:04. Enchant Gloves - Greater Agility. Permanently enchant gloves to grant. 10 nexus per MC run for free. Permanently enchant gloves to increase threat from all attacks and spells by 2%. Comentario de Thottbot Yes you can still have it on lowbies. It’s not hard to get to Friendly w/ TB, so there there should be some enchanters around with it. 15 mithril bars 15 iron bars: 5 Can transform into Crest of Chaos/Gargoyle Helm while augmenting Obsidian Full Helm: 20 Defense, 20 Strength Black Knight - +13 Prot -1 Res -1 Agi +5 Stam -5% MEL -5% RNG -5% MAG +15% MEL +15% RNG +15% MAG +10% PIER +10% SLSH +5% BLNT +10% Avoid +20% Reduce Protective Plates +1. 7 (average normalized value of haste for the 2 specs, 0. Related. If 35 agi on 2h beats 70 AP on 2h, what do you think about 15 agi and 24 AP on gloves? Still best gloves enchant, at least for my hunter. Harder to get but it worth that. Icon . Doesn't have a level requirement for +15 agility enchant. I Got the Zealot blade in off-hand . Commentaire de Allakhazam. Beastslaying is pointless, unless you want to pwnzor a Hunters pet, then go for it. ; Juju Power increases your Strength by 30 for 30 minutes when used. 2 Orange Normal 20 56 40 9. +30 Attack Power. I was wondering which of the two was the better one for a 39 PvP rogue: These or the Arachnid Gloves of the Monkey. $17. 0 Mana . I put threat on my threat gloves, and +agi on my avoidance gloves. Durability 40 / 40. Shouts agro was nerfed in 2. Resuires a level 35 of higher item. Spell Details Required Skill Enchanting 320 340 360 Icon Spell Tools & Reagents Reagent 1 Greater Planar. Contribute ! WOTLK Database. Requires Tool: Runed Arcanite Rod. Currently, on the PTR, these gloves are blue quality and now give:-5 stamina 14 Ranged crit rating and they appear to have -41 armor, which is very odd, as the tooltip states nothing at all about armor. 39 twink wars really need these gloves now. Buying a. In the Profession Spells category. These may give you somewhere around 2-3% extra crit, but the Monkey gloves give you 8 stam, which is really nice for PvP, and I can always get a +15 agi enchant on it. You can put +15 agility on these gloves, or any gloves for that matter. Evade Rate +1400. Boots: +7 agility Minor speed increase. The crit/dodge/armor bonus from +15 agi means mitigiation. 3. If you are not a high-end player, than don't put 15 agility to blue gloves. Nice to stack it with the 15+ agility enchant on gloves. I think a 1% attack speed has gotta be worth 5 dps on average for me, though there is no way to really know. bought these of AH for 20g fr my twink hunter few days agi i put +15 agi enchant on it twink hunter ftw Comment by Thottbot these gloves usually go on my server for ABOUT 30G+ I WASNT GOING TO PAY THAT MUCH SO I WAITED FOR ABOUT 2 DAYS THEN BOUGHT a pair for 20g sorry for caps This will be cat-spec specific (rogues can figure it out on their own, I'm sure), but for us, 1 DPS = 14 attack power, and as of the respec, in cat form +1 AGI = +1 AP and +1 STR = +2 AP. Next ›. Always up to date with the latest patch. Nexus Crystal: Large Brilliant Shard: Essence of Air: Tools. PVP SERVER I have a Female Blood Elf priest 4/5 (satin)vengeful Missing Pants over 20 Hyjal/BT PVE EPICS 3x 20 SLOT BAGS, Black Temple healing gear, New badge loot 247 sp dmg weapon, 2x epic flyer 375 Enchanting(void shattter, 15 agi gloves, 40sp dmg weapon, major healing gloves, 20 sp dmg. Kommentar von Allakhazam hunter enchant. gif Ring of Divine Teardrops - L/R Finger - max. Boar’s Speed Boar’s speed can only be done to Nat Pagle’s Extreme Anglin’ Boots for lvl 19 twinks. 5. And pre 2. After a few of those I felt bad and just started asking for mats and optional tip, regardless of the enchant. DEF +20 MDEF +10 AGI -10. it was a typo that accidentally referenced +int on shield instead of +15 agi on gloves, thanks for spotting, fixed ;)Permanently enchants bracers to give +9 Stamina. Effect. Nexus? Who cares the prices? A guild farming BWL gets cca. Gloves 198 100 ATK Speed +13. Required Skill . e. 4 now XD. Reply More posts you may like. If it stays like this, a rogue can still move around a little, but i see a few enchants like +15 agi gloves/9 stam bracers/ 15 agi weapons/ boar's/cat's that still are way too good for 19 bracket. It's actually +26 AP on gloves, and the crit chance would be 0. target ally, and 4. The old glove enchant from AQ20/40 can be used on any gloves. 197-15. 0, +15 agi is better for warrior and druid tanks. Int Glove: +100 Max HP, +20 Max SP. Brilliant itemization blizzard!. 2: Formula: Enchant Gloves - Superior Agility: This enchanting recipe is now available from the Keepers of Time Quartermaster. I don't think this is an expensive enchant. For gloves, 15 agi is def better than 1% haste and 7 strength in PvP. Actually, your calculations are wrong. Buying a. Since Patch 2. str + 8, con +8, hp +250, hp rec +4 Roar of Evanescence: str and acc +6, def +15, hit rate + 8, sp rec +4 Another set of Unsealed 65 Tattoo of Enigma: def + 10hp + 10%, str +10 and con +10,. gloves? do u mean these? Glove accessories, two NPCs near ecl_in01 65,96 Str Glove: +100 Max HP, +20 Max SP. You need to find enchantment that you can use the most. Despite being cheaper to get, 15 agi is still superior for druids in my opinion as it adds slightly over 1% dodge, a bit of crit (which both increases threat and the chance for bonus rage off a crit), as well as a. 300 310 . 70: Enchant Gloves - Superior. And +15 agi gloves and +4stats chest if I can get enough gold c: Armor: Head: Red Defias mask (you can't enchant it) Neckale: Tarnished silver neckale Shoulders: No lvl 1 shoulders in vanilla :'(Back: Wispy cloak (+3 agi) Chest: Vendor (+100hp) Bracers: Vendor (+9 stamina) Gloves: Vendor (+7 agi) PS: not BiS, trying to farm the 22 armor onesWheras stacking spirit + agi gear on a dagger/shield shaman means little downtime which translates to a cheaper leveling experience. BM hunter, not hit capped. Pretty sick, try finding gloves that give that much AGI. 5 dps. Kommentar von 161563 And if you use this enchant as a feral druid, and dont plan to get +15 agility, you therefore dont know how to itemize as a feral druid. Defense - Increases the chance of being missed by an attack. I've been looking at the numbers on FC (for a human) and it seems the attack speed increases actually give a bigger DPS boost than the much more expensive +str. These are great to last you on up the leveling ladder into the 50s at least. Character building: Skills and Statistics-----Swordman / Crusader Statistics. . Muskie OG. Comentario de ThottbotGloves of Holy Might sort of combine the high points of both of those and are useable earlier than either. You can put +15 agility on these gloves, or any gloves for that matter. However, the OP has listed. Last ». Tools: [Runed Truesilver Rod] Requires Enchanting 270. Your bear starts pulling 1000 TPS without the enchant, this enchant will give you an extra 20 TPS, which is more than. Sell Price: 2. 3). Feb 6, 2009 #11 doesnt matter dodge got nerfed anyway . Keyed: No. Page top. Doesn't have a level requirement for +15 agility enchant. Patch date. Hunters require 26. A forum community dedicated to paintball gun owners and enthusiasts. You can put +15 agility on these gloves, or any gloves for that matter. Small Prismatic Shard (3) Greater Planar Essence (3) Primal Air (2) Details. If you put 2x shifting nightseye in these and a 26 AP enchant, then put a 15 agi enchant on Demon Stalker Gloves, these will have more stam, more int, more AP, and more crit than tier 4. Comment by 52867 Changes in 2. In the Uncategorized Spells category. Duration: n/a:. GEMPLER'S Unlined 15-Mil Protective 100% Nitrile Gloves (Box of 36 Pairs) – Reusable Non-Slip Ergonomic Washable Agricultural Pesticide Chemical Resistance Gloves –. Light +10. 15 Sep 2012 •Symbol of the Planemasters is easier/quicker to farm at higher levels but has a huge and obvious push. 375% since 40 AGI = 22 crit rate = 1% crit chance. Generates no threat. Comment by 220522 Interesting tidbit of information: before diminishing returns, this enchant will give paladin tanks more than twice the avoidance of Armsman. if your poor and dont have a 70 main and dont have the time to farm +4stamina and +4 agi gloves then you could get deviate scale gloves, which. And it's not like you need this enchant in battle, so give the normal gloves u wear something useful like +attack power, or an armor kit. 32% more enemy DPS. Don't be afraid to wear leather with great stats over mail in the 40s. Agi Glove - Ragnarok Renewal - A glove that grows in strength with you. 2% threat scales well, 15 agi doesn't nearly as well. 5 AGI for an additional 1% dodge chance, but Hunters typically have a high amount of agility, as well as an Aspect spell that further. -6 crit rating +16 haste rating +8 Attack power. Beastslaying is pointless, unless you want to pwnzor a Hunters pet, then go for it. Added in Classic World of Warcraft. If you are not a high-end player, than don't put 15 agility to blue gloves. SoM Launch Enchant Gloves - Greater Agility - This is the best choice for a PvE Raiding Rogue, as it's the only real option for boosting a Rogue's Damage. Enchant Gloves - Greater Agility. Above 75, the AC provided for each Agility is minor. Requires a level 35 or higher item. 14. . Hunters require 26. Permanently enchant gloves to increase Agility by 15. Added in Classic World of Warcraft.